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BGM - The People

Priority Seats


People who are disable, pregnant or less able to stand

Got no chance against earphones or gadgets in their hands

It's bad enough we stare at screens poker faced

Hiding with denial, what a disgrace!

Yes, keep your head down, sit in your chair

Pretend to concentrate, like you're not aware

Keep your tunnel vision on your hand held device

Priority seats, do we have to say it twice?


This is my journey on a particular tube line

My bum is on a seat, "this is all mine"

That's what they say to convince them self

Without consideration for the old man's health


Yes that's right, walking-stick and grey hair

Wobbling and struggling, does anyone care?

Yes they do, but are they going to move?

No! Earphones in deep and into the groove


Is that a pillow? No she's pregnant!

Drop the baby standing, is that what you want?

Give up your seat, can't you see what she has to carry!

What if that was your sister, your wife or your mummy?


'Please mind the gap', 'let the passengers off first'

What about, 'give up priority seats', not much to rehearse

People who are disable, pregnant or less able to stand

Got no chance against earphones or gadgets in their hands.

In my mind

Some people can see

Yet still blind


Some people can hear

Yet still not listen

To the world around

That they’re missing


If only they would stop

Pause and ponder

If only they make time

To have a wonder


At what is around them

Would they ever consider

People’s feeling

That they deliver


Hidden in body language

And their face expression

Without talking

Left to interpretation


Or they can ask

How are you today

How are you feeling

Is what they could say


Yet it is bombarded

With opinion and suggestions

Inside of just letting them

Answer the question


Speaking and listening

Is a skill

And when done right

It is a thrill


The fulfilment

Of giving someone attention

Let them feel heard

With whatever they mention


It’s like a gift

To give and take

As it’s free

For goodness sake


Still, on my mind

Some people can see

Yet still blind

People Fight


People fight for a cause

When they get what they want they pause

Confused, still not got enough

Too blind to see the real stuff

Talking loud, saying nothing

Did I miss something!

Haunted by the little they have not

Than being thankful

for what they have got 

Sometimes I Wonder


Some people are very good with words

Some people are loud so that they can be heard


Sometimes I wonder

Is this the plan

To stab and shoot

Whenever we can


After all, weapons - adults provide

Business first, everything else aside


Even Ironman had a wake up call

When he watched his technology kill them all

Kill them all, that was the command

Just to invade more land


And so did the Black Panther

Saw the light of day

He told his past generation

‘This is not the way’


We say, ‘2 wrongs don’t make a right’

Yet, look at how some fight

We talk about segregation

Yet some only protect their own nation


This goes out to troops

That protect each other

With little thought

That we are all in this together


Children are taught

To listen in their classes

To be like the norm

To act like the masses


A bit like the army and prison

How it’s regimented

Eat, sleep, work, rest and play

Only when we say, that’s right - obey


Yet we say, the children are our future 

Teach them well and let them lead the way


How can they lead

When they are told to follow

What can they say, when shut down

Whether they whisper or hollow


We demand for children to respect rules

Yet without children, there’s no schools

We say - children should fight for their rights

Yet shut down if they see the light


The light of the future

The light to stand up and lead the way

The light to change the present

The light to create a better day


Sometimes I wonder

Is this the plan

To stab and shoot

Whenever we can

Some people are givers

Yet have not got the skill

To give the listening ear

To really want to at will


Cause some people want to speak

As they try to multi task

Give face expression

Which is just a mask


Some people are givers

Give opinion and suggestions

Do they really hear

Is that their intention?


Some people are givers

However, scared to deliver

As what is in front

Is a force field from receiver


Some people are givers

That have to learn to read

Body language and voice tone

Needs and deeds


Some people are givers

With sincere deliberation 

Truly understands


Let me give you some history

About our world and the countries

Many times we celebrate the Empires

The conquerors and the discoverors


It is not mentioned how they got there

How they rob and steal  like they don’t care

Taking what they say belongs to them

Then with pride, put it in a museum


Because they say that they are the founders of these merchandise

As they become wealthy and leave behind poverty lives.

Entwined with slavery as they take away freedom

People used for labour and worthless lives they become 


Can’t believe the Slave Trade got compensation

When freedom was given to the black nation

Even now, some might say that the system is broke

Even now, some might say that justice is a joke


Even now, our taxes is not just for  hospitals and schools.

We are also paying for the slave masters back pay like fouls

Let’s not forget equal opportunities

For what jobs we apply

Filling the ethnicity section

Then from the application denied 


Some might say that the power of wealth is a disgrace

That the understanding of life affects the human race

That we must be mindful of the world we live in

To be aware of the outcome of our body, soul and the minds within


Let’s go within systemic racism

How it has affected of what we have become

How past generations has been beaten day and night

Disregard for their privileges and their rights


Now we face the privilege to lead a country

The rights to go to specific universities

How we go to the toilet and drink water

Where it happens, should not matter


Segregation played a major part

Judged by skin complexion right from the start

How is mankind going to survive

When from fear end up killing lives


Buildings and statues still exist today

Entry fees as we queue up in a line

Paying for history

Not just financially

Because we are paying for the pain

The suffering and torture gained

Giving to those with darker skin

As the price is paid deep from within


Let me give you some history

About our world and the countries

Many times we celebrate the Empires

The conquerors and the discoverors

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